Roughly, 1.5 million Zambian children live on the streets either due to being orphaned or due to extreme poverty. Most of the children on streets are orphaned due to HIVAIDs. However, older adults above sixty years are the fastest growing age group experiencing homelessness, composing nearly half of homeless population.

Lusaka and Copperbelt Provinces are filled with most of the homeless, most of them are senior citizens, they sleep under bridges, highways, and on roadsides.

There are various reason causing homelessness in Zambia:

  • Unemployment
  • Abandoned by family relatives
  • High cost of living
  • Amotivation

Homeless people are more susceptible to diseases and death, because they are not taken care of they are exposed to communicable diseases like coronavirus, cholera, tuberculosis, e.t.c. also frostbite and heat stroke. They can not afford for medical care, most of them die due to chronic and untreated diseases.

Diseases are not the only worry, they are exposed to vices of the night. 61% of the homeless die in criminal, ritual, or organ harvest related vises.

We as an organization try so  hard to help the homeless. We engage poor families who lack employment in self help projects, participants (who are energetic) are given benefits at the end of every circle. We also donate food items to the vulnerable like the old age. However, this isn’t enough to cause a permanent solution to homelessness in Zambia, our current initiatives focus on unemployment. Our aim to cause a permanent solution could only be achieve if houses were built for the homeless who are unable to participate in our self help projects e.g senior citizens and those physically disabled; which is one of our future projects.

Help us put a roof over the homeless